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5 Popular Interactive Sports Attractions for Indoor Adventure Park

5 Popular Interactive Sports Attractions for Indoor Adventure Park

Oct 13,2021

For indoor adventure park or indoor amusement park,  you will find more and more indoor interactive sports atttractions included along with the development of projection technology. These sports games simulate their traditional ones and upgrade the fun play experience. 

1.Interactive Basketball

Interactive Basketball is a popular interactive sports game for trampoline park and family entertainment center FEC. It includes basketball frames of different heights representing different scores, which are set according to the distance and heights. The longer distance and the higher height will have higher scores. Interactive basketball can be challenged by one player or by multiple players. Whoever gets the high scores, the winner. 

Interactive Basketball

2.Interactive Football

Interactive Soccer/Football is a fun attraction for indoor amusement park, trampoline park and family entertainment center FEC.  You will find stands with different scores in the play area, kick the balls and try to get the best scores. Interactive football can be challenged by one player or by multiple players. Whoever gets the high scores, the winner. 


3.Interactive Archery

Archery is the sport, practice, or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows. Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. In modern times, it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activity. However, It’s not a common sport for most people. The interactive archery in amusement park offers visitors a chance to experience the fun of shooting arrows. 

 interactive archery in amusement park

4.Interactive Baseball

Baseball is a sport that enjoys different popularity in different countries. In China, you probably can find few baseball fields or stadiums, so you have few chance to try the game. The interactive basketball provides players with an immersive gaming experience within virtual baseball shooting scene. It is a popular interactive sport option for indoor adventure park. 

interactive basketball

5.Interactive Table Tennis

Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball. The interactive table tennis set use ball shooting simulator to create an immersive gaming experience. Players should hit the shooting balls and aim the targets for high scores. 

 interactive table tennis

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